ST RK 1.28-2002
ST RK 1.28-2002
State certification system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Standardization of services. General provisions. Put into effect in substitution of ST RK 992-96
ST RK 1.29-2002
ST RK 1.29-2002
State certification system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Procedure of operation with international documentation in the electronic data exchange mode
ST RK 1.30-2002
ST RK 1.30-2002
State certification system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. General rules for development and application of technical regulations
ST RK 1048-2002
ST RK 1048-2002
Information technology. 8-bit code table of Kazakh alphabet. Put into effect in substitution of DdRST KazSSR 920-91
ST RK 1049-2002
ST RK 1049-2002
Premixes. Analysis methods
ST RK 1050-2002
ST RK 1050-2002
Zinc in ingots. Technical conditions. Entered for the first time
ST RK 1052-2002
ST RK 1052-2002
Environment protection. Atmosphere. Determination of emission parameters for lead, zinc, copper and their compounds
ST RK 1054-2002
ST RK 1054-2002
Grain. Method for determination amount and quality of gluten in wheat using mechanized tools
ST RK 1059-2002
ST RK 1059-2002
Mechanical manufacturing footwear. General specification
ST RK 1060-2002
ST RK 1060-2002
Milk whey-based drinks with a filler. General specification
ST RK 1061-2002
ST RK 1061-2002
Milk products. Snezhok. General specification
ST RK 1062-2002
ST RK 1062-2002
Oil. General specification
ST RK 1063-2002
ST RK 1063-2002
Cheeses. General specification
ST RK 1067-2002
ST RK 1067-2002
Curd products. General specification
ST RK 1069-2002
ST RK 1069-2002
Machine-building complex products. Operating processes of manufacture. Terms and definitions
ST RK 1070-2002
ST RK 1070-2002
BCG live dry vaccine against tuberculosis of farm animals. Specification
ST RK 1071-2002
ST RK 1071-2002
System switch gear to provide investigation activities. General specification
ST RK 1072-2002
ST RK 1072-2002
Blast-furnace slag mixtures for foundation and paving of motor roads. General specification
ST RK 1074-2002
ST RK 1074-2002
People public services. Custom furniture manufacturing services. General specification
ST RK 1075-2002
ST RK 1075-2002
People public services. Dry cleaning services. General specification
ST RK 1076-2002
ST RK 1076-2002
Perfumery and cosmetics. Consumer information General requirements
ST RK 1078.0.1-2002
ST RK 1078.0.1-2002
Technological supplement for products development and production. General provisions
ST RK 1078.3.1-2002
ST RK 1078.3.1-2002
Technological supplement for products development and production. Technological preparation of production
ST RK 1079-2002
ST RK 1079-2002
Letters for drawings Kazakh alphabet. In substitution of RST KazSSR 851-87
ST RK 1080-2002
ST RK 1080-2002
People public services. Services of baths and bath-recreational complexes. General technical requirements. Control methods
ST RK 1081-2002
ST RK 1081-2002
Procedure of the development of technology guidelines and food products formulas. General provisions
ST RK 1082-2002
ST RK 1082-2002
Underground loading-transport machines. General technical requirements and testing methods
ST RK 1083-2002
ST RK 1083-2002
Lead powder. Specification
ST RK 1084-2002
ST RK 1084-2002
Ores of non-ferrous and rare metals. General requirements for samples taken for ores production examination
ST RK 1085-2002
ST RK 1085-2002
General requirements for organization and procedure of inside and outside control quality of results of analysis materials of ore-dressing and metallurgical production
ST RK 1087-2002
ST RK 1087-2002
Uniform system for program documentation. Users' Guide Requirements for composition, content and appearance
ST RK 1088-2002
ST RK 1088-2002
Fire safety. Terms and definitions. In substitution of GOST 11.1.033-81
ST RK 1089-2002
ST RK 1089-2002
Uniform system for program documentation. Program and test methods. Planning of software testing
ST RK 1090-2002
ST RK 1090-2002
Uniform system for program documentation. Software requirements specification
ST RK 1091-2002
ST RK 1091-2002
Uniform system for program documentation. Terms and definitions
ST RK 1095-2002
ST RK 1095-2002
Cotton fibre. Specification
ST RK 1096-2002
ST RK 1096-2002
Standard samples of cotton fibre. Manufacturing and application procedure
ST RK 1097-2002
ST RK 1097-2002
Water. Gas chromatography method of determination of carbon organic compounds
ST RK 1098-2002
ST RK 1098-2002
Soils. Vapour-phase gas chromatography method of determination of oil products gas component
ST RK 1099-2002
ST RK 1099-2002
Meat. Horse meat for export. Specification
ST RK 1102-2002
ST RK 1102-2002
Milk products. Sary-Irimshik. General specification
ST RK 1103-2002
ST RK 1103-2002
Milk products. Suzbe. General specification
ST RK 1104-2002
ST RK 1104-2002
Zhent. Specification
ST RK 1105-2002
ST RK 1105-2002
Milk products. Bal-Kaymak. General specification
ST RK 1106-2002
ST RK 1106-2002
Milk products. Cream mousse. General specification
ST RK 1107-2002
ST RK 1107-2002
Milk products. Pudding. General specification
ST RK 1108-2002
ST RK 1108-2002
Milk products. Souffle. General specification
ST RK 1109-2002
ST RK 1109-2002
Mountain and construction work vial. General specification

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