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01.040.13 Protecting environment, protecting people from environmental exposure. Security (Dictionaries)

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ST RK 1088-2003
Fire safety. Terms and definitions.
Price: $520.65
ST RK 1166-2002
Fire engineering. Classification. Terms and definitions
Price: $718.64
ST RK 1167-2002
Automatic fire fighting equipment. Classification. Terms and definitions
Price: $521.04
ST RK 1460-2005
Safety in emergency situations. Safety of railway transport movement. Terms and definitions
ST RK ISO 10075-2013
Ergonomic principles for ensuring the adequacy of mental workload. Basic terms and definitions
ST RK ISO 11074-2016
The quality of the soil. Vocabulary
ST RK ISO 13943-2016
Fire safety. Vocabulary
ST RK ISO 14050-2010
Environmental management. Glossary. Put into effect in substitution of STRK GOST R 14050:2000
ST RK ISO 14051-2012
Environmental management. Product flows accounting. General system
ST RK ISO 16165-2006
Vessels and marine technologies. Protection of the marine environment. Terminology relating measures for oil spill responses and prevention
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